About TimeTest

TimeTest is a tool for converting milliseconds to formated date. In first text field enter milliseconds (since 1. january 1970) and click Calculate button to display a date in human readable format: dd/MMM/YYYY H:mm:ss:SSS.
By pressing on the Get Now button, the current time is displayed.

Run TimeTest

Running Timetest

TimeTest is a Java Web Start application, so no installation is needed. Application should run automatically on Windows, OS X or Linux systems after clicking on the link.

Remark: some browsers store .jnlp file to downloads directory without automatically running the application. In this case you have to double click on the downloaded timetest_min.jnlp file to start the application.

User manual

TimeTest is easy to use. The GUI consists of two text fields and two buttons. In first field enter number of milliseconds. Negative values will show dates before 1. january 1970, and positive values will show dates after 1. january 1970. Click on the Calculate button to convert millis into formatted date. By clicking on the Get Now button, current time in millis and formatted date will be displayed.

TimeTest GUI

Download java sources and jnlp file

Current version: 1.0


I am proud to announce that Timetest has been added to Softpedia's database of software programs. It can be found here:


I do not take any responsibility regarding the usage (or misusage) of TimeTest application.

december 2011